words cannot describe how great it feels to finally have a new and fully functional keyboard with a rather nice ergonomic design to top it off. got a new mouse but i think i'll continue with my trusty old mouse which has helped me vanquish countless foes in various games. but the sheer joy. oh. i havent felt such unadulterated happiness in such a long time even though its for something so utterly insignificant like being able to type me c's, v's, x's, z's and to be able to press enter or escape or to control-c control-v. so wonderful! so amazing! its like learning to walk all over again! wowee! hurrah!
ok wait. let me catch my breath. it seems that i have posted three times today. all that zeal. i must use it to post my newest theory soon. if it holds up, i might go for a fourth! whee.
okay. i know by now, you think i'm being really silly. but i've said it before. its the little things that make all the difference.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Feeling myself all of the time
All of the time feeling alright
Taking a while, raising a smile
Raising a smile makes it all worthwhile
But if you wanted to find peace of mind
Then you could find it anytime you liked
You are the afterglow
Feeling my way all of the time
All of the time doing just fine Taking a page out of my life
Out of my life, wouldn't it be nice
But if you wanted to find peace of mind
Then you could find it anytime you liked
You are the afterglow
You are the midnight show
The only one I know
You come and then you go
And when you finally leave
You leave nothing for me
All of the time feeling alright
Taking a while, raising a smile
Raising a smile makes it all worthwhile
But if you wanted to find peace of mind
Then you could find it anytime you liked
You are the afterglow
Feeling my way all of the time
All of the time doing just fine Taking a page out of my life
Out of my life, wouldn't it be nice
But if you wanted to find peace of mind
Then you could find it anytime you liked
You are the afterglow
You are the midnight show
The only one I know
You come and then you go
And when you finally leave
You leave nothing for me
the other day, i head a little girl whisper to her mum in the lift i was in.
"mummy, why you say cannot talk to indian man?"
"quiet! you want him to hear you is it?"
unfortunately for her, i did hear it. but what made me really sad was the fact that the mother was in fact very young. you would have thought that such people would be a lot more mature and thinking individuals carefully weighing the situation before they teach their kids things like that. hey, i got no say in how you want to raise your kids. but is it really necessary to pass on your own innate dispositions of other people and create a younger generation that is equally insensitive? this is by no means an exceptional case because i have seen/heard/experienced things like this before. but the overall effect of hearing such things is one of sadness and deep thought. pity i had to hear this before my sense of hearing got blocked up. at least i wouldn't be this erm, troubled. i suppose that is the trouble with a multi racial country.
"mummy, why you say cannot talk to indian man?"
"quiet! you want him to hear you is it?"
unfortunately for her, i did hear it. but what made me really sad was the fact that the mother was in fact very young. you would have thought that such people would be a lot more mature and thinking individuals carefully weighing the situation before they teach their kids things like that. hey, i got no say in how you want to raise your kids. but is it really necessary to pass on your own innate dispositions of other people and create a younger generation that is equally insensitive? this is by no means an exceptional case because i have seen/heard/experienced things like this before. but the overall effect of hearing such things is one of sadness and deep thought. pity i had to hear this before my sense of hearing got blocked up. at least i wouldn't be this erm, troubled. i suppose that is the trouble with a multi racial country.
Friday, March 30, 2007
only human
people tend to forget. maybe it slips out of their minds when they begin to speak. thats a bad thing. more than anything else, words hurt the most. beyond that are those implications that one tries to make. all so , long winded, so hypocritical. ordinarily, if a person would ask me to chose what super power i would like to have, i would have said something along the lines of having psyonic abilities. but just for today, i would have wished for the ability to be able to jump really really far, from the fourth floor of one building to the third floor of another. people tend to forget. they think they have a right to say because they care so much. but honestly, all i need is to be left alone. i can be trusted to pursue my own dreams. i suppose that ear infection i'm having now, is turning out to be a boon in disguise. you see, it filters out all the background noise. everything is so eerily quiet these days. i like it. i really do. so that way when people start talking, i can phase out really easily because all i need to do is to stop trying to listen. i like the quiet. it filters out everything. its like living in a bubble. sometimes thats good, sometimes thats bad. but right now, its rather useful. people tend to forget. that i'm only human.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
bunker busting
unfortunately not.
everything depends on morale you see. just yesterday, while i was busy thinking of an effective strategy for indra to use today when we go to war after school during my h3 chem test prep, involved shattering the morale of the enemy troops while i hack them into oblivion. its actually a very good strategy infact. so good, i can even translate it into the general mish mash. knowing you got someone covering your back while you trudge through the glue soaked dough can really drive you to do the clinically insane, such as what a plan to do. morale's never been higher especially after realising i got a fair amount of support and not everyone is out to ruin me. you could do without the morale and use your own belief to fire you up, but believe me, its much harder that way.
Walking In The Sun
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
Well it's easy to see from afar
And it's easy to be on your guard
But it's harder just to be who you are
When all these
People who will lead you down the back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see that there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that
If you think of all the things that you feel
All the voices in your head that you hear
It's a mystery that we are all still holding on
When all these
People who will lead you down the back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see that there's no reason to doubt
And you will find
You can do much better than that
If you see me hit the ground
Don't come near don't make a sound
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
indeed, there is really something on the tip of my tongue that is just dying to be articulated. if only
everything depends on morale you see. just yesterday, while i was busy thinking of an effective strategy for indra to use today when we go to war after school during my h3 chem test prep, involved shattering the morale of the enemy troops while i hack them into oblivion. its actually a very good strategy infact. so good, i can even translate it into the general mish mash. knowing you got someone covering your back while you trudge through the glue soaked dough can really drive you to do the clinically insane, such as what a plan to do. morale's never been higher especially after realising i got a fair amount of support and not everyone is out to ruin me. you could do without the morale and use your own belief to fire you up, but believe me, its much harder that way.
Walking In The Sun
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
Well it's easy to see from afar
And it's easy to be on your guard
But it's harder just to be who you are
When all these
People who will lead you down the back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see that there's no reason to doubt
Then you will find
You can do much better than that
If you think of all the things that you feel
All the voices in your head that you hear
It's a mystery that we are all still holding on
When all these
People who will lead you down the back of the track
They're on your back
They will try and tear you apart
But believe and you will see that there's no reason to doubt
And you will find
You can do much better than that
If you see me hit the ground
Don't come near don't make a sound
I was walking along in the sun
Taking pictures of everyone
And there's something on the tip of my tongue
indeed, there is really something on the tip of my tongue that is just dying to be articulated. if only
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
mish mash
important lesson in the general mish mash that we call life. well. its not really a lesson. its more of irony. just when you got criticized for something, before you know it, the mish mash somehow finds a way to make the critics suffer the same, if not a very similar fate. its eerily very satisfying but you find yourself cursing if the above mentioned tackle the general mish mash and come out of it better while you still languish in the eternal depths of nothing-ness. ergo, you are still stuck while others are moving on. depressing? tell me about it. at least that will offer a reasonable sound explanation as to why i blew it on sunday night. simply because i failed to handle it well. the general mish mash tends to appear so mashed up you often fail to see the simplest of all solutions to the most complex of problems. most of the time, they are staring right at you face. those brave souls who try to sort out the mish mash tend to mess up some other part of the mish mash leaving you more screwed up than you already are. face it, the general mish mash will always be messed up as long as you are not the only person in the world.
of course, the brave souls will not be put off by the seeming impossibility of bringing order into the chaos. i mean, you can slam the mish mash onto a hard plate and pound it with a really hard thing and flatten it out into a flat piece of mish mash. but odds are, you'll probably lose that very hard thing during the process or end up pounding your own fingers while trying to sort out the gooey and utterly sticky general mish mash we call life. you cant quite equate it to dough. but more like dough soaked in uhu glue or maybe something stronger and alot more irritating.
i think i can blame the extreme pain in my right ear for not wanting to follow the most obvious solution staring right at my face. or i can blame the general mish mash and try to do something else and continue to languish in the abyss. maybe i can spend a few sleepless nights trying to sort out the mish mash and risk worsening the pain in my ear and the growing throbbing in my head. because the simplest things always appear to be the hardest to do even though we call them the simplest things. i mean how hard is it to take your phone (which is in a rather embarassing state recently) and try to punch a few numbers and wait for the voice on the other side?
wait, it does seem to be a trick question. must think about that for a good while. but the really annoying thing about the general mish mash is that at times, it strategically positions itself at your feet so that you'll step on it and make a good mess out of your shoes while taunting you. the other day while going on the train, i saw a familiar face. it was say, the second time i was seeing that face. our eyes met for a few moments, we smiled and just as before, we parted ways again but this time without saying a word. second time. how bleeding ironic is that. now had i gone into train at the second door of the same carriage instead of the fourth, things may have turned out different. now why did that happen? an exceedingly intelligent thought at the back of my head which told me i might have a higher chance of sitting down if i moved towards the centre of the platform. in the end, i didnt get a seat. oh, you cruel mish mash. why do you torture me so? oh well, nothing i can do except continue to endure the constant torments. i mean you cant outsmart it. i mean, how do you outwit a piece of mish mash which in all aspects, is just a hunk of dough soaked in glue? it might happen again a third time.
"one, two, three times and you lose,"
yea, i'll probably lose my mind if it happens again the third time. if its destined, i cant stop it but at least for now i am ignorant. but the lonesome time on the train made me realise something as the mish mash was smothering me without my knowledge. you see people whom you sometimes, wish you knew. and once you did, your the mish mash wont be so gooey and sticky. it need not be some hot person of the other opposite sex but just about anyone. i think, the person who would do the most good to your bit of the mish mash are the people you are least likely to meet. i think i saw one such person on that same train. i just got that feeling you know, like when the mish mash forced tries to overwhelm you, for a split second, you see a way out, except that it was far behind you or somewhere just out of reach as a result of our constant moulding of the general mish mash. bummer. but then again, the mish mash has a waqy of clouding your vision. a gut feeling is a gut feeling after all. it might have been the breakfast you ate in the morning squirming through your innards.
so what do i do about the mish mash? what the hell. i think i'll prep myself for the next time i blow it. this time, i think it will be over the phone or in person and not over msn. dundundun dunnnn.
of course, the brave souls will not be put off by the seeming impossibility of bringing order into the chaos. i mean, you can slam the mish mash onto a hard plate and pound it with a really hard thing and flatten it out into a flat piece of mish mash. but odds are, you'll probably lose that very hard thing during the process or end up pounding your own fingers while trying to sort out the gooey and utterly sticky general mish mash we call life. you cant quite equate it to dough. but more like dough soaked in uhu glue or maybe something stronger and alot more irritating.
i think i can blame the extreme pain in my right ear for not wanting to follow the most obvious solution staring right at my face. or i can blame the general mish mash and try to do something else and continue to languish in the abyss. maybe i can spend a few sleepless nights trying to sort out the mish mash and risk worsening the pain in my ear and the growing throbbing in my head. because the simplest things always appear to be the hardest to do even though we call them the simplest things. i mean how hard is it to take your phone (which is in a rather embarassing state recently) and try to punch a few numbers and wait for the voice on the other side?
wait, it does seem to be a trick question. must think about that for a good while. but the really annoying thing about the general mish mash is that at times, it strategically positions itself at your feet so that you'll step on it and make a good mess out of your shoes while taunting you. the other day while going on the train, i saw a familiar face. it was say, the second time i was seeing that face. our eyes met for a few moments, we smiled and just as before, we parted ways again but this time without saying a word. second time. how bleeding ironic is that. now had i gone into train at the second door of the same carriage instead of the fourth, things may have turned out different. now why did that happen? an exceedingly intelligent thought at the back of my head which told me i might have a higher chance of sitting down if i moved towards the centre of the platform. in the end, i didnt get a seat. oh, you cruel mish mash. why do you torture me so? oh well, nothing i can do except continue to endure the constant torments. i mean you cant outsmart it. i mean, how do you outwit a piece of mish mash which in all aspects, is just a hunk of dough soaked in glue? it might happen again a third time.
"one, two, three times and you lose,"
yea, i'll probably lose my mind if it happens again the third time. if its destined, i cant stop it but at least for now i am ignorant. but the lonesome time on the train made me realise something as the mish mash was smothering me without my knowledge. you see people whom you sometimes, wish you knew. and once you did, your the mish mash wont be so gooey and sticky. it need not be some hot person of the other opposite sex but just about anyone. i think, the person who would do the most good to your bit of the mish mash are the people you are least likely to meet. i think i saw one such person on that same train. i just got that feeling you know, like when the mish mash forced tries to overwhelm you, for a split second, you see a way out, except that it was far behind you or somewhere just out of reach as a result of our constant moulding of the general mish mash. bummer. but then again, the mish mash has a waqy of clouding your vision. a gut feeling is a gut feeling after all. it might have been the breakfast you ate in the morning squirming through your innards.
so what do i do about the mish mash? what the hell. i think i'll prep myself for the next time i blow it. this time, i think it will be over the phone or in person and not over msn. dundundun dunnnn.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
i missed
i had a dream the other night. i dream about you in fact. funny thing. i couldn't remember your voice. every time you spoke in that dream, it was with an unreal voice that was not your own. no matter how hard i tried that morning, i couldn't remember how you sounded like. that left me rather sad. but then, i think i remembered. so i remained content with whatever i thought i knew. bummer. i cant view my own blog now.
How emo are you? | |
![]() ![]() Holy Shit Your Emo Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser. | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
How emo are you? | |
![]() ![]() Emo Poser HAHAHA! Get a life and stop trying to follow the emo mold. | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
What High School Stereotype Are You? (pics) | |
![]() ![]() Goth You love the darkness. People are afraid of you and you like it like that. | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics) | |
![]() ![]() Wind Dragon You rule along side the lightning dragon, you co-exist and make a destiny bond. while the lightning dragon manifests the storm you push the power force of the winds to help drive the power into the storm. | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
What vampire would you be? | |
![]() ![]() Forgotten Vampire of The Night You are such a good person!ou always followed the rules. Yet even with your sweet dispostion you are here in your sell. You've become greater then humans, but still feel as one and will do all in your power not to become | |
Take The Quiz Now! | Quizzes by myYearbook.com |
Monday, March 19, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
i see
i see dead people. no shit. but they're damn funny folks. keep telling me how unlucky they were to be born so early before the era of science and technology before elaborating on how difficult the old days were. then i tell them how screwed up our time really is and they just nod grimly. i think they got the point i made.
Friday, March 16, 2007
my eyes.
welcome in, welcome in, shame about the weather, welcome in, welcome in, you are welcome, its a sin, its a sin, when bird of a feather, are welcome to, lan on you, yea yea yea, yea yea yea, you got my eyes
Monday, March 12, 2007
an you see whats ery wrong?
okae. lots or ery bad things happening these past few days. first was that ipod sreen protetor i got from the it show. bloody shit. i srewed it up and wasted eight buks. i an blame the damn instrutions but i think i should hae been alot smarter. net is how bad i feel after sunday. there hae been alot of hanges reently and i'm not really ery happy with the effet its haing on my life. but the thing is, my opinions dont seem to matter in the bigger piture. so i ant seem to do muh. so i just want to apologie to whom it may onern. i think tomorrow i hae some eplanation to do. ): and third is how muh time i'm spending thinking about ery srewed up things. i hate to admit it but right now i really feel like something is absent. i'm missing something irreplaable. ant eplain that feeling but its a ery srewed up feeling and i ant get it out of my head. but i want to keep thinking about it you see? like ontraditory but i ant deide whih. i keep staring at something i should not be haing and i keep wondering whether its worth it. my wardrobe epanded some more by roughly three piees. nie. i like. but still dont hae the radiohead shirt. someone bought from far east. damn sad. searhing ebay already. must get it. and today's studying session at a friends house only moderately produtie whih appeared to be my fault but i ant figure out why. but i think i wont spent so muh time at friends house sine for me the most produtie time is time spent alone. and to top it off, if it isnt bad enough that the heartware spoil, the hardware also f***ed up. damn tired of opy and pasting the missing things. shit lah. at least got some good things. like being able to put the trais dd on my ipod so i an wath the ideos wheneer i want. (: must buy the d tomorrow. and maybe another sreen protetor.
as you walk, new paths unfold, twisted and turning in front of your eyes while you disregard other things and continue your own pursuit regardless of those wailing around you. your mind is tied and fixed on something intangible. stop! turn around! be gone before it is too late! why persist? does your goals mean that much? the path you seek leads to doom. wake up! do you seek it? you think you can correct the incorrect. blind yourself, let the ravens peck your eyes out, so you may hear better, the warnings calls of the eternal abyss. for once you fall, you will keep falling, through the eternal depths of your darkest nightmares. they will devour you, consume you. do not let them take you. maybe you seek it. such determination is not common. but i care not for i am just a blind man, who worries for his own safety.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
time travel
after months of scientific research, here is the easy way to travel through time without the hassle of traveling through a black hole or harnessing an entire neutron star. the technology behind this is easy to use and readily available. in fact, with the exception of a few as of yet undiscovered materials, the rest of the equipment can be found in your very home unless of course you are living in the mountains. first let us look at the fundamental concepts behind this theory. first of all, we all know that time is considered to be an additional dimension in some big shot scientists' model of the universe (which includes ten dimensions in all if you didn't already know). know we shall be using that model for our time travel. take a look at the picture below. it is depicts a critical concept that is the foundation for this entire theory.

yes. it shows a person watching television. we have all experienced the phenomenon which i will term as "time flux". essentially, when we watch a really good television show or movie we feel that time has passed quicker than usual and when we watch something extremely boring, we feel that time proceeds very very slowly. while many have passed this off as a trick played by our mind as a result of enjoying whatever we are doing too much. however, contrary to popular belief, this is in fact a very real physical occurrence.

the picture above depicts the time flux in action. (obtained from samples in my own home as i was unable to recruit willing test subjects even though all they had to do was watch television) the dip in the patterns indicate the dimension of time warping around the very vicinity of the viewer and the television. why this occurs is unknown but it is possible to hypothesize that the excessive photons thrown out by the television screen and the density of both the television set as well as the emotions of the viewer which may include extreme boredom or sheer excitement as both extremes of the scale. factoring in these variables as well as constants such as the mass of the sofa (which affects the time flux at a negligible amounts) and the gender of the viewer and the colour of the room. from all this, the equation (simplified in order to ensure that the minds of readers do not collapse under the sheer ingenuity of the equation) derives is
y=kx^2 + ax + C
by factoring the correct variables we can create a situation whereby the time flux is so great that time moves at an accelerated rate. the graph below shows the variability of the time flux with the minimum point which is a very small quantity which approaches zero but never reaches zero since when time proceeds at a rate of zero, the very fabric of space and time will unravel resulting in the utter destruction of the universe as we know it with all matter ending up as a soup of matter and non matter. an alternative result would be that we'd just all be frozen and unable to move or think.

in order to create the time flux, a small enclosed room (in order to concentrate the effects of the time flux) with a simple television, a player and the required sound systems with a universal remote which you must posses (the importance of this will be discussed later), an extremely dull person who has hardly done anything with his life other than eat and sleep, a very very very good and exciting hollywood movie of infinite length as well as a very very very boring and pathetic movie (which will bore even the dullest of persons) of similar length is all you need.

the resultant time flux created will be so great that all you have to do is step into the room and you will be propelled into the future. using the remote control you posses, you can stop the movie when you have reached your destination in time. if you do not stop the movie and let the time flux restore before leaving the room, you may find yourself trapped between dimensions never to return.

as such, ALWAYS remember the remote. to travel back in time, simply play the boring movie and stop the movie before leaving the room.
however, we must note that you should not watch the movie as well otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of the time flux. why this happens remains unknown.
known problems include not being able to determine at what point in time you are. as such, using only the graph and a calculator to guide you, determine the rate of time passage and with just a simple calculations, you can come up with a rough estimate.
another known problem is the fact that when you arrive at your chosen time, the entire room arrives as well and may cause material damage if the surroundings has changed. this may not be a major problem however but it may just result in a few people very angry at the fact that a room just appeared out of nowhere.
in my studies, i have identified a few alternative sources that create a similar time flux.
1) Lecture scenario. it is a common fact that during mathematics lectures time passes painfully slowly, while during lectures whereby a video or movie is shown, or a lecture where there is no lecturer at all, time accelerates. due to the large number of students present in the lecture theatre, the resulting time flux is very powerful leading to efficient time travel. however, the large size of a lecture theatre partially negates the effect. furthermore, to create such a time machine would require more costs since much more people would have to be enslaved to power the time machine. the content for the lecture would be very easy to obtain considering there are hundreds of volumes of mathematics just waiting to be read.

2) Computer Gaming. It is also a known fact that time accelerates when playing computer games, especially good ones. this alternative is much easier than the lecture scenario in the sense that only one hardcore gaming freak (easily found in the modern world especially in China where there is in an significant increase in computer gaming addiction). enslaving such a hardcore gamer would be simple as all you have to do is show him an empty room with a state of the art computer. the time flux generated would be immense considering the amount of enjoyment the gamer derives from it. however, there are a few limitations as well. gamers would be required to constantly play games in order to power the time machine and this may drastically reduce the lifespan of the gamer and you have to acquire a new one if you travel through time often. another known issue would be the difficulty in traveling back in time considering that such hardcore gamers would find even the most boring of games to be fun since they consider any game to be highly entertaining. as for a game that can be played for an infinite time, simply subscribe to any mmorpg available today. a good choice would be world of warcraft although you have to pay $50 for two months. but considering the amount of knowledge waiting to be obtained, such a small cost would appear to be minute.

there you have it. time travel made possible at our current state of technology. however, please keep in mind, that there are many other methods for creating a time flux and those mentioned here are just a few examples. for your own sakes, do not engage in time travel for dishonourable ends. i hose to post this scientific paper as i feel that this knowledge must be shared for the betterment of humanity. time travel is a sticky business and as such, use it only for the purpose of gaining knowledge and understanding the past and future. to abuse it would result in alot of bad things happening which i will not take any responsibility for. stay tuned for my next scientific paper on space travel

yes. it shows a person watching television. we have all experienced the phenomenon which i will term as "time flux". essentially, when we watch a really good television show or movie we feel that time has passed quicker than usual and when we watch something extremely boring, we feel that time proceeds very very slowly. while many have passed this off as a trick played by our mind as a result of enjoying whatever we are doing too much. however, contrary to popular belief, this is in fact a very real physical occurrence.

the picture above depicts the time flux in action. (obtained from samples in my own home as i was unable to recruit willing test subjects even though all they had to do was watch television) the dip in the patterns indicate the dimension of time warping around the very vicinity of the viewer and the television. why this occurs is unknown but it is possible to hypothesize that the excessive photons thrown out by the television screen and the density of both the television set as well as the emotions of the viewer which may include extreme boredom or sheer excitement as both extremes of the scale. factoring in these variables as well as constants such as the mass of the sofa (which affects the time flux at a negligible amounts) and the gender of the viewer and the colour of the room. from all this, the equation (simplified in order to ensure that the minds of readers do not collapse under the sheer ingenuity of the equation) derives is
y=kx^2 + ax + C
by factoring the correct variables we can create a situation whereby the time flux is so great that time moves at an accelerated rate. the graph below shows the variability of the time flux with the minimum point which is a very small quantity which approaches zero but never reaches zero since when time proceeds at a rate of zero, the very fabric of space and time will unravel resulting in the utter destruction of the universe as we know it with all matter ending up as a soup of matter and non matter. an alternative result would be that we'd just all be frozen and unable to move or think.

in order to create the time flux, a small enclosed room (in order to concentrate the effects of the time flux) with a simple television, a player and the required sound systems with a universal remote which you must posses (the importance of this will be discussed later), an extremely dull person who has hardly done anything with his life other than eat and sleep, a very very very good and exciting hollywood movie of infinite length as well as a very very very boring and pathetic movie (which will bore even the dullest of persons) of similar length is all you need.

the resultant time flux created will be so great that all you have to do is step into the room and you will be propelled into the future. using the remote control you posses, you can stop the movie when you have reached your destination in time. if you do not stop the movie and let the time flux restore before leaving the room, you may find yourself trapped between dimensions never to return.

as such, ALWAYS remember the remote. to travel back in time, simply play the boring movie and stop the movie before leaving the room.
however, we must note that you should not watch the movie as well otherwise, you will not be able to take advantage of the time flux. why this happens remains unknown.
known problems include not being able to determine at what point in time you are. as such, using only the graph and a calculator to guide you, determine the rate of time passage and with just a simple calculations, you can come up with a rough estimate.
another known problem is the fact that when you arrive at your chosen time, the entire room arrives as well and may cause material damage if the surroundings has changed. this may not be a major problem however but it may just result in a few people very angry at the fact that a room just appeared out of nowhere.
in my studies, i have identified a few alternative sources that create a similar time flux.
1) Lecture scenario. it is a common fact that during mathematics lectures time passes painfully slowly, while during lectures whereby a video or movie is shown, or a lecture where there is no lecturer at all, time accelerates. due to the large number of students present in the lecture theatre, the resulting time flux is very powerful leading to efficient time travel. however, the large size of a lecture theatre partially negates the effect. furthermore, to create such a time machine would require more costs since much more people would have to be enslaved to power the time machine. the content for the lecture would be very easy to obtain considering there are hundreds of volumes of mathematics just waiting to be read.

2) Computer Gaming. It is also a known fact that time accelerates when playing computer games, especially good ones. this alternative is much easier than the lecture scenario in the sense that only one hardcore gaming freak (easily found in the modern world especially in China where there is in an significant increase in computer gaming addiction). enslaving such a hardcore gamer would be simple as all you have to do is show him an empty room with a state of the art computer. the time flux generated would be immense considering the amount of enjoyment the gamer derives from it. however, there are a few limitations as well. gamers would be required to constantly play games in order to power the time machine and this may drastically reduce the lifespan of the gamer and you have to acquire a new one if you travel through time often. another known issue would be the difficulty in traveling back in time considering that such hardcore gamers would find even the most boring of games to be fun since they consider any game to be highly entertaining. as for a game that can be played for an infinite time, simply subscribe to any mmorpg available today. a good choice would be world of warcraft although you have to pay $50 for two months. but considering the amount of knowledge waiting to be obtained, such a small cost would appear to be minute.

there you have it. time travel made possible at our current state of technology. however, please keep in mind, that there are many other methods for creating a time flux and those mentioned here are just a few examples. for your own sakes, do not engage in time travel for dishonourable ends. i hose to post this scientific paper as i feel that this knowledge must be shared for the betterment of humanity. time travel is a sticky business and as such, use it only for the purpose of gaining knowledge and understanding the past and future. to abuse it would result in alot of bad things happening which i will not take any responsibility for. stay tuned for my next scientific paper on space travel
i feel fs. for a number or reasons actually. firstly, its a series of blunders and hearing disabilities on my part that made me look rather silly while walking up the stairs to economics on friday. part of that involved me hearing le chatelier's principle as argehand's (whatever that is. in fact i dont think it exists) principle. secondly, which is not really fs on my part was to encounter the same archery j1 at the front of the canteen in a similar manner three times but only noticed in the third when she finally responded to my friendly gesture. and thirdly, something unfortunate happened to my phone as a result of spinning very fast in one spot. bleah. i could barely walk straight after that. almost walked into a bunch of bushes after that. and fourth, i finally managed to identify my sleep cycle after 3 months that will now let me stay awake longer to do work. bloody hell. from 11 onwards i feel insanely sleepy. but yesterday night i discovered that at around twelve plus plus i suddenly feel rejuvenated but the problem was that i got a really painful cramp on my leg i wasnt exactly in a position to do something about it except lie there and hope i fall asleep which took me quite some time. but strangely, when i do maths, i barely feel sleepy. hmm. best lah. play music quiz on my ipod until i reach score of 100k. bleah.
of course i fs-ed in another way in that people who read the thing two posts down thought it was me and that i turned into a druggie guy who angst about life. nono indra, dont need to disappointed and disgusted at me. haha.
of course i fs-ed in another way in that people who read the thing two posts down thought it was me and that i turned into a druggie guy who angst about life. nono indra, dont need to disappointed and disgusted at me. haha.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
i donnt know why i feel weird but i did that all in one go and if you notice, its single long sentence although i probably fouled up every single rule in the big book of grammar and no doubt it is probably highly irritating to read. hmm. btw, its not me. haha. i writing rubbish.
...speaking of my eyes wandering, i find that my eyes observe everything around me but i don't know why i do it but i think it has something to do with how i perceive my self and those around me because i am always subconsciously looking for ways in which others are stranger than me like today when a friend pointed out something strange to me and i was wondering whether most people would put pictures of them in swim wear on their bags and my mind responded with a resounded no and partially because i hadn't put any such things on my own bag but all things considered my own bag isn't exactly normal since it has a hole on the top from excessive usage, a plastic bag of some photos, a notebook, an extra set of clothes and a bottle of pills from an undetermined origin which i was told to consume by my parents but i have no idea what it is for and whenever i do consume them i feel weird and i keep thinking of reasons as to why i am taking these pills which make me feel funny and sometimes i get the feeling that something is wrong with me inside but i don't know what especially when everything seems so normal to me but maybe its just that people cannot accept my way of thinking and doing things which seem so much different from others but this makes me wonder whether is all right to be different i asked my parents i only got an answer that completely baffled me and went something along the lines of fractured but i don't feel any broken bones and i suspect that it had something to do with the voices that i hear in my mind every now and then and i asked my parents what those people, they did not give a clear answer and constantly evaded the question which set me thinking, why don't people talk clearly at all, since most people i meet have this strange way of twisting their words and in fact, few people i have ever met are actually straight forward and it seems that most people try to manipulate others for their own benefit and i think that is what is happening to me because others see me to be different and they try to use me but i think i'm quite a good manipulator because the voices in my head tell me things and they tell what i should do but its just that i never had a concrete or evil plan to work towards by manipulating others since i cant bring myself to do that but i know that i am a good manipulator since the methods i use actually work but there always is a chance for it to backfire horribly leaving others even more disappointed and angry at me than they already are but the thing is, i rarely manipulate people because as i've said before, i don't like it and i only do it when absolutely necessary but the thing is, most people dont actually know that they are being manipulated, in fact, nobody knows and that is good for me and i keep thinking at night about a time when i'd get caught in the act, speaking of which yesterday night while trying to sleep i kept thinking about times when people back stabbed be to such an extent that it hurt very badly and made me so sad, resulting in many sleepless nights where i spent crying, leaving me very hateful of such people, so much so that i actually want revenge but i can never bring myself to deal it out even though the voices tell me to but my parents told me that revenge is never good since there might be many reasons for the said persons to behave as they did and i best way for things to go on is to forgive the said persons and watch out for such treacherous behaviour in the future even if those voices protest but i try not to listen to them during such times but i think it is all right to continue trusting the person if you deem it to be possible but i think there are people who know my vulnerabilities and constantly try to hurt me or to take advantage of me but i don't really care much about this since life it too short to hold grudges and life is too short to worry about the meaningless things in life instead of the more meaningful things like the time i had this friend whom i really liked but something went wrong because of either something i did or my friend did but anyway, everything fell apart and i spent many nights awake trying to figure out what to do but the voices would not respond and i tried to find someone to blame but i could not and eventually, i decided to leave it at that though even today i keep thinking about her but what made me angry was that when i tried to talk to my parents about this i was shunned and scolded, leaving me even more hurt than i was and i tried to calm myself by taking long walks and stopping every now and then to look at things for a long time before continuing on but even this resulted in hostile reactions from others and that left me deeply confused since i did not know what to do and it seemed that nobody wanted to see me happy and i started listening more to the voices in my head as they suggested ideas as to what i should and they told me many wild plans and ideas but i chose to do the safest one of them all and so, i decided to run away with my favourite bag and some very important belongings of mine and searched for a place where i could be happy and i could listen to the voices and be different as much as i wanted to be since i was very unhappy but as i continued walking, i started to feel free and i stopped taking those pills ever since i left but i still keep a bottle with me to remind me why i was doing what i was doing but ever since i stopped taking them, the voices are becoming increasingly frequent as they guide through the places i walk through and they tell me where to go and who to help so as to get enough money to buy food and sometimes they tell me to do very scary things and i find myself being less and less able to resist them and every time i do they tell me that it is for my own good and i must listen to them which i do but it leaves me very guilty later and soon after, i do things that i do not remember afterwards and sometimes i wake up and i find that i had done something horrible and because of this i hide away from everyone and only approach those that look like i can trust but not everyone is as trustable as they appear and i have had many a close shave but i manage to stay away but sometimes, i wish i could find a place to live in the mountains away from everyone and i decide that thats where i would go but the voices keep diverting me and i find myself struggling for control and i try to find many things to do that will keep my mind off the voices that now constantly ring in my head and everytime they suggest something that i don't want to do i try to find a way to ease my mind by talking to myself writing random things on pieces of paper before tearing them up, doodling on my notebook, thinking of her while looking at a photo i managed to obtain or by letting my eyes wander in order to observe everything around me in order to maintain a constant train of thought that will block out any interference by the voices and speaking of my eyes wandering...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
wow. maybe they put the aircon to so low so that students will feel more comfortable but they fail to realise that after 3 hours of it, somebody is bound to freeze to death. not that it mattered to me anyway. strangely, the only time when i actually realised the intense cold, was when i stopped writing (which didnt happen much considering i had loads to say. mostly about some revolving arguments, lots of assumptions, fallacies and those sort of shit) funny though, i was tempted to write some economics considering the passage was something along the line of capitalism and stuff. i cant really remember though. actually, come to thing of it, i can only remember writing the line 'these people die early' for my summary. i spent the next minute wondering whether that line was necessary considering it sounded so damn silly. then, the cold crept it. so i just wrote. hmm.
maybe writing generates heat considering my joints and fingers move at blinding speeds in order to finish everything in time. or maybe i'm not just thinking about the cold. but this whole issue seems so irrelevant. i dont know. i'm trying to recall a funny conversation a had with the cardinal and archbishop who seem offended at my most recent few decisions. but i cant seem to remember that conversation even though its was so funny. i didnt say anything though but i was listening and nodding my head. maybe it had something to do with my eyes being somewhere else. hmm.
maybe writing generates heat considering my joints and fingers move at blinding speeds in order to finish everything in time. or maybe i'm not just thinking about the cold. but this whole issue seems so irrelevant. i dont know. i'm trying to recall a funny conversation a had with the cardinal and archbishop who seem offended at my most recent few decisions. but i cant seem to remember that conversation even though its was so funny. i didnt say anything though but i was listening and nodding my head. maybe it had something to do with my eyes being somewhere else. hmm.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
what the hell?
that ecplains why sherlock kept saying he coudnt find a particular blog post. because its not there! wonder what happened to it. it seems to have been usurped by the servers. hmmm. unfair leh. that post was a nice one. haiz. maybe i shall retype it.
gp common test tomorrow and strangely, i dont know what to do. maybe i should sleep. but there are other things at the back of my head. i read ks bull until i got sick of it already.
gp common test tomorrow and strangely, i dont know what to do. maybe i should sleep. but there are other things at the back of my head. i read ks bull until i got sick of it already.
it takes very little to make my day miserable. but it takes even less to make my day happy. its funny. you would've thought that happiness is something that takes a lot of effort to achieve. but in reality, its the little things that make a difference. sadly, not everyone remembers that it takes so little effort to make someone's day. i wish i was happy alot more often. but yesterday as well as today, i was happy. (:
am i being an idiot? yes. do i need someone to slap me and bring me back to reality? no. i can live a dream all my life as long as that makes me happy.
cheers to that.
am i being an idiot? yes. do i need someone to slap me and bring me back to reality? no. i can live a dream all my life as long as that makes me happy.
cheers to that.
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